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Friday Services IN PERSON

Friday, July 9, 2021 29 Tammuz 5781

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
In order to take this next step to in-person services, we all must follow reasonable rules designed to keep everyone safe. We will not admit anyone who does not comply with the rules, and we will ask anyone who fails to follow the rules during attendance to comply or leave. Even if you disagree with these rules, please understand that they have been developed through a collaborative effort of your fellow congregants, in conjunction with the assistance of an expert in infectious diseases. Compliance with the following rules is mandatory and applies to all in person attendance at services:
  • You must wear a mask that covers the nose & mouth at all times inside the building (extra masks are available in the lobby).
  • One person at a time will be allowed on the bimah. Each person who will be on the bimah will be sharing a common space used by others and must be vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, do not volunteer or otherwise assume this role. That one person, while they are speaking or chanting, may lower or remove his or her mask.
  • We plan to resume torah reading beginning June 5th . Those serving as gabbaim will be situated to the side of the bimah distanced from the table or in the seats to the side of bimah. Those offering torah aliyah blessings will do so from the floor.
  • Practice social distancing, which means 6 ft or more for the speaking and chanting involved in our Shabbat services. Do not sit immediately in front of or behind others. People who have previously agreed to sit together may do so, but do not assume that anyone you have not expressly agreed with prior to the service wants you that close, and the service itself is not the time to ask them.
  • Although others may enjoy your singing, please recognize that projecting your voice increases the risk of distributing the coronavirus. We ask that you exercise restraint.
  • Bathrooms can be used but only by one person at a time and avoid crowding in line. We ask that you refrain from crowding or close quarters inside the building.
  • No food will be served or eaten indoors. We will accommodate a kiddish over wine/juice, but masks should be lifted no longer than necessary to drink. Do not touch the cups of people not in your group; there will either be distribution and collection of the cups or a place to pick them up and discard them individually.
  • Pre-registration is required, for contact tracing purposes. Please plan ahead.
  • We have distributed a fair number of our sidurrim and chumashim to congregants for home use. If you are attending in-person and have books at home, please bring them with you to shul so that we have enough for everyone!
  • If you have a kippah and tallit, please bring it. We will have them available if needed, but ask that we limit communal sharing to the extent possible for the time being.
  • Do not attend if you are not feeling well or have any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.
  • Advise the Office Manager immediately if you subsequently test positive for COVID-19 or develop COVID-19 symptoms, so that others who attended can be advised that they may have been exposed. We will maintain your personal anonymity at your request.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are set up within the building - please use them.

*By registering for in person services, you are agreeing to the above guidelines. 

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